Monday 23 September 2024

To The Irish Examiner - Examine Yourselves!

To the Editor, Irish Examiner

I must complain about your article from Mon, 23 Sep, 2024 - 16:36 by Cormac O’Keeffe, Security Correspondent.

"Gardaí 'fact finding' President's claim Israeli Embassy in Dublin circulated letter he sent to Iran"

Within the body of the story is the paragraph:

"The letter was published in a British publication, the Jewish Chronicle, and attracted strong criticism from a number of international security academics and some Irish politicians, including within Fine Gael."

Cormac O’Keeffe does not substantiate this assertion in any way:
  • What was the nature of the strong criticism in this context?
  • Who were the international security academics?
  • How did the supposed international security academics enter into the story?
  • Who were the "some Irish politicians, including within Fine Gael"?
Is this what we have come to where a journalist in Cork offers innuendo as implied criticism of our own President and does not even offer basic journalistic due diligence by either: 
  • A. referencing the person(s) / source(s) quoted 
  • B. referencing the supposed text forming the basis of  O’Keeffe's highly opinionated "strong criticism"
This is a total disgrace:

I call upon Cormac O’Keeffe and the Irish Examiner to have the manners and the decency to make a formal apology to President Michael D Higgins and the nation.

Des Donnelly

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